Steinholt – saga af uppruna nafna, sýning í Þjóðminjasafni 2017.
February 11, 2017
May 28, 2017

The exhibition Steinholt – a Story of the Origin of Names is about the memory of a place. Christopher Taylor has spent time in Þórshöfn, North-East Iceland, and travelled the area to capture the landscape and tell stories of memories connected with Steinholt.

The grandparents of Taylor's wife, Álfheiður, built the house called Steinholt in 1929. As a child, Álfheiður spent her summers at Steinholt in the company of her grandmother, after whom she is named. The time spent there are among her best childhood memories. Christopher Taylor worked on this photographic project after an unexpected turn of events when Álfheiður revisited Þórshöfn. The exhibition is inspired by Álfheiður's ancestors who travelled across the region in search of work or a place to live.

In 2017 the book Steinholt was published featuring Taylor's photographs. The book chapters are written by Monica Dematté and Taylor himself.

Eva Kristín Dal
Christopher Taylor, Cole Barash
Ingunn Jónsdóttir, Eva Kristín Dal
Ívar Brynjólfsson, Sigurður Atli Sigurðsson
Printing photographs:
Picture framing:
Exhibition design:
Sigrún Sigvaldadóttir- Hunang
Printing text:

Frá sýningunni

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