April 8, 2025
April 13, 2025
Entrance Hall

This exhibition is part of the 2025 Children's Culture Festival. It showcases artworks created by 8th-grade students from Hagaskóli.

Teen well-being has been a widely discussed topic, and this project gives students a voice in that conversation. The project integrates textile and visual arts, where students use mixed techniques, including drawing, embroidery, and painting.

The work was inspired by artist Sara Vilberg, who has closely examined people, their interactions, and how they express emotions through facial expressions, embroidering her observations onto canvas.

As part of the project, an informal and non-scientific survey was conducted, asking students to name the three emotions they experience most often. Based on the results, students explored the following emotions in their artworks: joy, anxiety, irritation, anger, stress, excitement, fatigue, and sadness.

After being introduced to the artist and her work, students randomly drew a slip with an emotion that they were tasked with portraying on canvas. Following this creative process, teachers led discussions with students about the value of each emotion, what can be done to improve well-being, and what sacrifices may be necessary.

We look forward to seeing you!

Below, you can see the students’ artworks in progress:

Printing photographs:
Picture framing:
Exhibition design:
Printing text:
Sara Vilberg, Brynja Emilsdóttir textílkennari, Hjörný Snorradóttir myndmenntakennari og Sigrún Erna Sigurðardóttir myndlistakona, kennaranemi úr list og verkgreinanáminu á menntavísindasviði HÍ.
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