A Jeep and a camp in desert

The Ethnology Collection serves the important role of preserving and studying the intangible cultural heritage, memories, customs, even attitudes, and various aspects of everyday life that change from generation to generation.

In 1960, the National Museum of Iceland began systematically collecting information about the way of life in Iceland by presenting questionnaires to people. On the museum's centenary in 1963, the Ethnology Collection was established.

The Sarpur (sarpur.is) database has played a key role in collecting folklore, as it provides access to questionnaires and their corresponding answers, which are opened periodically.

Ethnology collection

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See previous questionnaires on Sarpur database

A person lying on a tanning bed under bright blue light, wearing a white bikini, in a room with medical or salon equipment in the background

Traditions in Iceland, website about intangible cultural heritage

A boat in water covered with fog.

The website Lifandi hefðir (e. Living Traditions) is a collection and record of the traditions of Icelanders and others who inhabit the country. It serves as an overview of Iceland's intangible cultural heritage, where individuals, groups, and communities share their knowledge of diverse traditions in Iceland. These include everything from the baking 'laufabrauð' (a traditional Icelandic Christmas bread) to Iceland's unique swimming pool culture, seafarers' folklore, and Polish customs celebrated by residents in Iceland, to name just a few.

Mynd: Unnur Malmquist Jónsdóttir

Lifandi hefðir / Living traditions

Do you wish to share a tradition so it won't be forgotten?

We don't want traditions lost to the time-can. Those who wish to share traditions on the website can contact the National Museum's specialist.

Living Traditions is a collaborative project between the National Museum of Iceland and the Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs and is part of Iceland’s implementation of the UNESCO 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

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Questionnaires from recent years

Scenic harbor with boats docked in calm water, reflecting surrounding rugged mountains partially covered in snow, under a cloudy sky.

Braving the seas – Folklore related to seafaring

Spurningarskráin var opin í júní og júlí 2024.
Í tilefni Sjómannadagsins safnaði Þjóðminjasafn Íslands upplýsingum um þjóðtrú og siði tengda sjómennsku. Rannsókninni er ætlað að veita innsýn í hvaða áhrif þjóðtrú hefur á fólk sem starfar til sjós og aðstandendur þeirra og hvernig hún birtist í starfi þeirra.

Smellið hér til að skoða á Sarpi.

Mynd: Unnur Malmquist Jónsdóttir

What's for dinner? Sustainable, healthy diets

Í tilefni af Veganúar 2022 opnaði Þjóðminjasafn Íslands í samstarfi við Háskóla Íslands út spurningaskrá um mataræði sem ætlað var að safna upplýsingum um upplifun og sjónarhorn fólks sem hefur tileinkað sér sjálfbært, heilsusamlegt mataræði á Íslandi. Þar er t.d. átt við grænkera (vegan), grænmetisætur, vistkera (flexitarian), neytendur lífrænt ræktaðra matvæla og annað fólk sem sem borðar meðvitað með tilliti til umhverfisins, dýraverndar eða eigin heilsu.

Skoða svör á Sarpi.

Close-up of a fresh green cabbage growing in a garden, showcasing its layered leaves and compact head.
A polar bear walking at the shore of sea

Polar bear stories

Þjóðháttasöfnunin fór fram árið 2020. Tilgangurinn var að safna minningum fólks um ísbirni með áherslu á að rannsaka ferðir þeirra til Íslands í sögulegu og samtímalegu samhengi. Spurningaskráin er hluti af þriggja ára rannsóknarverkefni sem unnið var í samstarfi íslenskra og alþjóðlegra háskóla og safna. Það var styrkt af Rannsóknasjóði Rannís 2019-2021. Frásagnir sem báerast verða varðveittar um ókomna tíð og gerðar öllum aðgengilegar. Nöfn heimildarmanna birtast ekki.

Skoða svör á Sarpi.

Mynd: © Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson 2018

Historic Buildings

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A house surrounded by greenery
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