Two people placing an ancient carpet in museum

The core of the Museum's operation lies in research. Exhibitions are based on the work at the Collection Centre, where specialists in cultural history, archaeology, conservation, and ethnology work. The National Museum's permanent exhibition reflects the conservation and research work within the Museum, and special exhibitions are based on research intended to shed light on culture and life in contemporary society.

The total number of artifacts at the Collection Centre is around three hundred thousand. The artifacts range from invaluable works of art to everyday objects that were present in almost every household. Among the artifacts are art objects from churches, altarpieces, figurines, altar fittings, and clothing items used in daily life, accessories, bedspreads, various types of clothing, household items and furniture, carved objects, chests, drinking horns, and silverware, to name a few. The collection also includes technological artifacts such as machinery, vehicles, cars, and boats.

Additionally, archaeological finds from excavations are preserved in the Collection Centre. According to the law, archaeological finds are the property of the Icelandic state, and the role of the National Museum is to preserve such artifacts under suitable conditions. Extensive archaeological research in recent years has created increased demands for facilities and secure preservation. In the coming years, emphasis will be placed on accommodating many artifacts and a significant amount of research data from archaeological investigations in accordance with the laws on cultural heritage.

The Collection Centre is located at Tjarnarvellir 11 in Hafnarfjörður.

To contact us, please send an email to

Collection centre

Do you need advice from our specialists?

Specialists provide various services to scholars and students, depending on their specific needs. Send us your request and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Application for access to museum objects for research

The National Museum of Iceland encourages research on items in the Museum's collection, as research brings out the knowledge embodied in the object. To apply for permission to examine objects or for sampling, please fill out the relevant form.

Deliver data from archaeological research

Here you can access the rules and guidelines that apply to the delivery of data and artifacts from archaeological research, permits for archaeological investigations, templates, and examples of handling relevant documents. For further information please contact the Collection centre.

Browse millions of artifacts and photographs within the Sarpur database

A boat in the sea
The Photography Museum

What is conservation?

Conservation is an interdisciplinary field that aims to contribute to the preservation of various types of cultural artifacts, such as artworks, antiquities, books, and manuscripts. Conservators specialize in specific areas, such as the conservation of paintings, antiquities, textiles, and paper. The Museum has published several manuals about conservation.

Dæmi um verkefni forvarðar
  • Viðgerðir sem koma skemmdum gripum í upprunalegt ástand án þess að glata fagurfræðilegu eða sögulegu samhengi.
  • Meðferð til að gera varðveislu gripa stöðuga og hamla gegn hrörnun.
  • Rannsóknir sem ákvarða hvaða efni voru notuð við framleiðslu gripa eða eldri viðgerðir.
  • Rannsóknir sem skera úr orsök og umfang skemmda eða breytingu gripa.
  • Skýrslur í máli og myndum um ástand gripa fyrir og eftir meðferð.
  • Hamla gegn skemmdum með því að gefa ráðleggingar og hafa eftirlit með umhverfi muna, hvort sem er á sýningum eða í geymslu,  einkum um ljósmagn, hita- og rakastig.
  • Veita ráðgjöf um pökkun, geymslu og flutning viðkvæmra gripa.
  • Fylgjast með nýjustu rannsóknum, tækni og framförum á sviði forvörslu.


Manuals on preservation are available as PDF documents (in Icelandic)

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