24. mars 2025

Ný spurningaskrá „Jarðhræringar á Reykjanesi“ opin til svörunar

Þjóðminjasafn Íslands í samstarfi við Grindavíkurbæ og Minja- og sögufélag Grindavíkur safnar nú upplýsingum um viðhorf og minningar fólks af jarðhræringum á Reykjanesskaga sem staðið hafa yfir frá árinu 2019.
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March 10, 2025

Fjölmenni á opnun sýningarinnar Samtal við Sigfús

Fjölmenni var í Þjóðminjasafninu á laugardaginn við opnun sýningarinnar Samtal við Sigfús - Í fótspor Sigfúsar Eymundssonar. Á sýningunni eru ljósmyndir Einars Fals Ingólfssonar og Sigfúsar Eymundssonar.
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February 24, 2025

The National Museum Launches a New Website

The National Museum celebrates its 162nd anniversary by launching a new website designed by Jökulá.
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November 19, 2024

An elegant costume on display at the National Museum of Iceland

One of the most impressive costumes that has been preserved will be exhibited at the National Museum of Iceland in mid-2026. It is likely that Guðrún Skúladóttir (1740-1816) sewed the costume. Guðrún was highly regarded as a craftswoman and undertook sewing for others as well as teaching handicrafts.
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June 14, 2025

Exhibition opening: The Nation in Picture and the Legal Rights Act

The National Museum was crowded on June 14, when two exhibitions were opened on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Republic, the Lögrétta Valences and Picturing a Nation
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May 5, 2024

The Ethnology collection publishes new questionnaire on the occasion of Fisherman's Day

The Ethnographic Museum of the National Museum has published a new questionnaire on Sarpi which aims to collect stories about folk religions and customs related to seafaring. On the occasion of Seafarers' Day, the National Museum of Iceland is now looking for sources to collect information about folk beliefs and customs related to seafaring.
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April 26, 2024

With the work of her hands is nominated for the Icelandic Museum Award 2024

On the first day of the summer, nominations for the Icelandic Museum Awards were announced. The exhibition With the works of the hands received a nomination. The Icelandic Museum Award is a recognition given to an Icelandic museum for outstanding activities in its field. The National Museum of Iceland has been nominated for the Icelandic Museum Award for the exhibition With Works of Hands: Icelandic Refilsaury of the Past Ages, together with publication and programme.
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