Ljósmyndasafn Íslands

The Photograph and Print Collection is a treasure chest for those interested in the culture and history of Icelanders. The collection preserves approximately eight million photographs, which hold invaluable cultural significance. Photographs shed light on who we are and where we come from. A part of the collection can be viewed on the Sarpur database (sarpur.is).
Photographs are the largest category in the National Museum of Iceland. It includes a selection of daily life and portrait photographs from the beginning of photography in 1839 until the turn of the millennium in 2000. It also contains the best-preserved collection of drawn and painted portraits and scenes from Icelandic daily life from the 16th to the 19th century.
The role of the Photograph and Print Collection is to collect, register, and preserve photographs, glass plates, films, negatives, and other materials related to photography.
To contact us, please send an email to ljosmyndasafn@thjodminjasafn.is.
Are you interested in donating photos to the museum?
If you want to hand over photos to the museum for preservation, please provide the following information: quantity, age of the photographs and the photographer's name. A specialist from the Photograph Collection will be in touch as soon as possible.
Send email
The collection consists of five sub-collections:
The Portrait Collection contains approximately 55,000 photographs. The collection of portraits began in 1908, marking the start of photograph collection in Iceland.
The Photograph and Print Collection comprises about 37,000 images. The collection of these images commenced in 1915.
The Postcard Collections contains around 14,000 cards.
The Film and Plate Collections are obtained from professional photographers, studios, and enthusiasts. The first collection of this kind was acquired in 1915. The Film and Plate Collections vary in size, with some containing only ten images while others have over a million. In total, there are around four million images in the Film and Plate Collection.
Image Collections, 75 in total, includes collections from institutions and companies that have entrusted their photograph collections to the National Museum for preservation. Among these are the photograph collections of Morgunblaðið (newspaper) and the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service.
The Photograph Collection catalogue (IS)

Browse millions of photographs within the Sarpur database

Do you want to buy photographs or copyrights?
Everyone can buy photos from the Photograph Collection. Publishers, filmmakers, specialists, and others can buy or lease copies for publications. Please start by reviewing our terms and tariff. We'll be happy to assist you in any way we can.
- 30% discount, if more than 7 images are purchased.
- Museums get a 50% discount for exhibitions and publications.
- Images are delivered digitally in 300 DPI resolution. Additional editing is charged according to the tariff.
Please start by reviewing our terms and tariff below. We'll be happy to assist you in any way we can.
Send emailTariff
Price includes VAT
750 ISK
Digital image for personal use
2.500 ISK
Specialist hourly rate
16.864 ISK
Copyright / publishing rights
Copyright & publishing rights
Publishing rights
Books: Cover page / Inner page
22.400 ISK
11.200 ISK
Books, republishing: Cover / Inner page
9.000 ISK
4.500 ISK
TV / Films
22.400 ISK
11.200 ISK
Newspaper / Magazine
22.400 ISK
11.200 ISK
Newspaper / Magazine, 300 copies or less
11.200 ISK
5.600 ISK
Conference: Reports
11.200 ISK
5.600 ISK
Conference: Lectures
6.000 ISK
3.000 ISK
Conference: Info signs
11.200 ISK
5.600 ISK
Ad in printing medium
38.000 ISK
19.000 ISK
Advertising campaign
89.200 ISK
44.600 ISK
Website (companies)
29.800 ISK
14.900 ISK
Website (personal)
6.000 ISK
3.000 ISK
Website (organisation)
15.600 ISK
7.800 ISK
Photos for exhibitions
22.400 ISK
11.200 ISK
Decorations (companies)
22.400 ISK
11.200 ISK
Products / Souvenir
14.800 ISK
7.400 ISK
School essay, 1-5 photos
3.500 ISK
1.750 ISK
Teacher's lecture, 1-5 photos
3.500 ISK
1.750 ISK
Terms for the Use
2. The National Museum of Iceland permits the client, when applicable and on behalf of the copyright holder, to use the photograph under the terms specified in this usage license. The client understands that no exclusive rights are granted by this license.
3. The permitted use of the photograph is limited to personal use by the client and/or the uses specified in the order. If copies are made (such as printed or reproduced materials, other print items, souvenirs, etc.), the permitted use is limited to the edition and number of copies specified in the order. If the work is made publicly available (e.g., by displaying it publicly, using it online, etc.), the permitted use, unless otherwise agreed, is limited to the purpose and time period specified in the order. The permitted use is always limited to the time period specified in the order.
4. The name of the author and the National Museum of Iceland must be credited on copies made under this usage license and upon publication, as applicable, in accordance with Article 4 of the Copyright Act No. 73/1972.
5. It is strictly prohibited to make the photograph available on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
6. After the photograph has been used, the client must delete any copies used in the process no later than 30 days after the work is completed.
7. The client agrees to deliver one copy of the publication produced under this usage license to the National Museum of Iceland.
8. This usage license is limited to the client and is not transferable.
9. Should it be necessary to initiate legal proceedings concerning disputes regarding this usage license, such proceedings shall be conducted in the District Court of Reykjavik.
Manual on Photograph Preservation
The Manual is a guide on image preservation and is aimed at museum staff. The term 'image' refers to all types of photographs, from daguerreotypes to digital photographs, including paper prints, slides, and films, both black and white and colour images, whether loose, framed, or in albums. It also covers films and their preservation, whether they are on film reels, videotapes, or disc formats.
Varðveitum myndina (IS)

Research & publications
The Photographs & Print Collection has published various works. These include overview works on the history of photography during specific periods and works about individual photographers. In addition, various unpublished reports about the collection have been compiled.
Publications and research
Þjóðin, landið og lýðveldið
Vigfús Sigurgeirsson ljósmyndari og kvikmyndagerðarmaður. Ágúst Ó. Georgsson, Christiane Stahl, Linda Ásdísardóttir og Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson unnu að rannsókninni. 2008.
Konunglegur hirðljósmyndari
Rannsókn á starfsferli Ólafs Magnússonar og þætti hans í íslenskri ljósmyndasögu. Inga Lára Baldvinsdóttir og Ívar Brynjólfsson unnu að rannsókninni. 2003.
Líf og starf Lofts Guðmundssonar
Inga Lára Baldvinsdóttir, Margrét Elísabet Ólafsdóttir og Erlendur Sveinsson unnu að rannsókninni. 2002.
Ljósmyndir úr Fox-leiðangrinum 1860
Inga Lára Baldvinsdóttir vann að rannsókninni. 2002.
Skotskífur úr fórum Det Kongelige Kjöbenhavnske Skydeselskab og danske Broderskab
Inga Lára Baldvinsdóttir vann að rannsókninni. 2001.
Ljósmyndarar á Íslandi 1845-1945
Yfirlitsrit um sögu íslenskrar ljósmyndunar og starfandi ljósmyndara á tímabilinu. Inga Lára Baldvinsdóttir vann að rannsókninni. 2001.
Ferðalangurinn og rithöfundurinn Throup og Íslandsmyndir hans
Ívar Brynjólfsson annaðist rannsóknina. 2001.
Magnús Ólafsson og framlag hans til íslenskrar ljósmyndunar
Inga Lára Baldvinsdóttir vann að rannsókninni. 2000.
Hans Malmberg og Íslandsmyndir hans
Inga Lára Baldvinsdóttir vann að rannsókninni. 2000.
Líf og starf Sigríðar Zoëga
Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir vann að rannsókninni. 2000.
Ljósmyndir teknar af Fransmönnum á Íslandi á 19. öld
Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir vann að rannsókninni. 2000.
Ljósmyndun á Íslandi 1950-1970
Guðrún Harðardóttir vann að rannsókninni. 1999.
Rannsókn á gömlum þjóðlífsmyndum úr bókum og blöðum frá fyrri öldum
Halldór J. Jónsson vann í félagi við Árna Björnsson. 1984.
Skrá yfir mannamyndir Sigurðar Guðmundssonar málara
Rannsókn unnin af Halldóri J. Jónssyni. 1977.
Interested in buying from the collection?