Plastic and future fragments. Exhibition of Landakotsskoli at the Children's Culture Festival.

The students in Landakotsskóli created works of art inspired by the exhibition of Þorgerður Ólafsdóttir, Future Fragments, which was exhibited at the National Museum 2024. The project was carried out with teacher students from the University of Iceland in collaboration with LÁN. As Þorgerður did in her exhibition, the students reflected on phenomena related to the influence of man on nature.
Di pêşangehê de cinsên plastîk, çûkên ecêb û texmînên li ser bandora qirêjiya plastîk li ser kevanan têne xuyang kirin.
The material is plastic trash brought by students from their own homes. The plastic waste problem was discussed from different sides and students wondered what we can do to reduce the overuse of single-use plastics.
During the exhibition, visitors are given the opportunity to work graphically and complement the exhibition. We look forward to seeing you!
Below you can see photos of the artists in preparation.
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