DesignMarch: Ristur - Icelandic Folklore

Ristur is an exhibition that features prints based on Icelandic folklore and myths. The method used is woodblock printing. The printing method is one of the oldest methods of printing colored images, many are familiar with Japanese woodblock prints, for example. This is an interesting and unique way of printing, but the method is completely free of computers, only wood, hand tools, paint and paper are used in the process.
The project aims to keep Icelandic fairy tales alive in an era of increasing influence from foreign media and is intended to shed light on Iceland's folk heritage through innovative illustrations. Illustrator and designer Eysteinn Þórðarson is behind the project, which received a grant from the Icelandic Design Fund (Hönnunarsjóður) last fall.
The exhibition is ongoing at The National Musem of Iceland to the 13th of april.
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