If Garden Gnomes Could Talk

Photography exhibition by Þórdís Erla Ágústsdóttir and Sigríður Marrow of the unique trailer settlement in Laugarvatn.
At Laugarvatn, there was trailer settlement that can be considered unique in Iceland. The trailers formed a neighbourhood that was not a village, but not rural either, maybe a combination of both. Nature flourished mostly in flowerpots, while the human nature found an outlet for its creativity in a proximity to neighbours much greater than in traditional summer house neighbourhoods.
Photographers Þórdís Erla Ágústsdóttir and Sigríður Marrow visited the trailer settlement in Laugarvatn a few years ago, where they captured the essence of human life there. The exhibition "If Garden Gnomes Could Talk" is the result of their photographic documentation and showcases images of people enjoying each other's company, listening to themselves, and tending to their surroundings.
At the same time, photographs owned by the National Museum of Iceland from Laugarvatn will be exhibited on the Picture Wall.
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