Picturing a Nation: Capturing the Founding of the Republic in 1944

The National Museum of Iceland and the National Film Archive of Iceland have joined forces for an exhibition about the events of May and June 1944 that lead to the founding of the Republic of Iceland on June 17th.
The exhibition will display previously unseen footage from the Film Archives, alongside photographs, objects and people's accounts of the events from the collections of the National Museum. The exhibition aims to present the involvement and the experience of the public in these immensely important events in the nation's history.
The founding of the republic was an official political act with the parliament electing a new president, a new constitution, and the Icelandic State formally parting from Danish royalty. These events concerned the entire population and were propelled by the active participation of the people.

Ljósmyndir úr safneign og sérhannaðar fallegar vörur sem tengjast sýningarhaldi