May 20 - Sep 20: Open daily
Skagafjörður, North Iceland

A large turf farmhouse of the North Icelandic type, which emerged in the 19th century. This style is distinguished by the forward-facing gables of the front buildings, with the rear buildings arranged at right angles.

The farmhouse is built of turf, stone, and timber. The walls are made of turf laid in a herringbone pattern with long turf strips between the layers, while stone was used primarily at the base to prevent dampness. Since the estate had little suitable rock, most of the walls are made from turf. Imported timber and driftwood were used for the interior framing and panelling.

The farmhouse comprises 13 buildings (houses), each serving a specific function. The main unit is the 'baðstofa,' where people sat for handiwork. Food was stored and prepared in the pantry and kitchen. The front hall, passages, and south entrance (Brandahús) provided access throughout the farmhouse. One house accommodated elders and other household members. There are two guest rooms, two storerooms, and a smithy (blacksmith's workshop), as many of Glaumbær's pastors were skilled in metalwork.

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A farmhouse is said to have stood on the hill at Glaumbær since the Settlement Age (900 AD). The present buildings vary in age, with the most recent addition built between 1876 and 1879, while the oldest sections—the kitchen, 'long pantry,' and middle 'baðstofa' (a living room and bedroom)—are believed to have remained largely unchanged since the mid-18th century. The connecting passages have also been preserved for centuries. The current form of the farmhouse resembles that of many large farmhouses in Skagafjörður during the 18th and 19th centuries. Between 1879 and 1939, the farmhouse remained unchanged. It was repaired and declared a conserved site in 1947, the same year the last inhabitants moved out. An English benefactor, Mark Watson, contributed £200 to its renovation, which was crucial to its preservation.‍

Glaumbær has been part of the National Museum’s Historic Buildings Collection since 1947, and the Skagafjörður Heritage Museum has exhibited in the old farmhouse since 1952. Please visit their website for further information about admission fee and opening hours.

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