Runes are characters that can be written and read. Part of the settlers probably knew how to carve runes. The oldest runes found in Iceland date back to the 10th century.

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The rune test is called Futhark, after the first six runes. The old fee is 24 rupees. The minimum wage is only 16 rupees.

You can open the document and print it out!

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Bandrunes are two or more runes that are mixed together into a single symbol. They are sometimes used to represent the first letters of a name and thus can be used to mark things.

The Bluetooth logo is a bandrune made of runes taken from the younger pheasant. There are (Hagall) and (Bjarkan) which are the initials of Harald the Blue who was king of Denmark and Norway and died ca. in 985.

Here is a short video that teaches the making of bandrunes, and in the following, simple stamping is taught to make a stamp with a bandrun.

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Using rune lists

Runes have been used, among other things, to mark partand to amplify supernaturalforces.

Runes were carved into hard materials such as wood and stone.

In runic letters, the space between words is sometimes represented by △

The rune letter continued to be used in conjunction with the Latin alphabet. The runes, however, were not written on books, but continued to be carved in wood and stone, e.g. tombstones.

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Magic spells

Spells are associated with bandrunes and protect the owner.

Spells or power were, and still are, believed to accompany the runes. They were not just fonts, but also used to amplify various powers.

The picture shows a magic spell from the 18th century, Karlamagnúsarringur.

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General about beds

The word secretIt can be a mystery or a mystery.

Sometimes the inscription on old artifacts is a combination derived from the Greek and Latin alphabet, runes and bandrunes. Sometimes some of the letters have also been rotated or added to them.

Today, runes are used, among other things, to associate with ancient heritage, for example in trademarks, but also as magic symbols, tattoos and for divination readings.

In the photo there is a barn called middle. Women often kept handicrafts and small items in the barns. They were often beautifully carved. In the laurel in the photo are carved runes. The tower is from the 17th century. (Tyms. 3387/1890-19)

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